Karen Dorsey
Biographical Info Karen is a Licensed Professional Counselor in AZ and TX. She has a Master of Educational Counseling and was a former school counselor and therapist in private practice working primarily with children and families. She became a Credentialed Family Mediator in San Antonio and worked for the Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center in Kerrville, TX as a mediator for divorce and child custody cases. As a Certified Divorce Coach®, Karen provides coaching services for individuals who are in the should I or shouldn't I phase of divorce, in the divorce process, and after divorce coaching. She helps individuals navigate through the divorce process and serves as their thinking partner so they can be sure they are receiving the most accurate information and making the best decisions during this difficult time. As a Certified Co-Parenting Specialist, Karen works individually and jointly to help parents navigate through the challenges of co-parenting.
Email Address karen@karendorseycoaching.com
Company: Karen Dorsey Coaching
Practice Area: coach, affiliate, mental-health
Phone: 480-694-6504