Collaborative Divorce: The Revolutionary New Way to Restructure Your Family, Resolve Legal Issues, and Move on With Your Life Pauline Tesler and Peggy Thompson, Regan Books / Harper Collins, 2006
The Collaborative Way to Divorce: The Revolutionary Method that Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs and Happier Kids—Without Going to Court Ron Ousky and Stuart Webb, Hudson Street Press, 2006.
Avoiding Litigation: A Guide to Civil Collaborative Law Sherrie R. Abney, Trafford Publishing, 2006.
Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue Nancy Cameron, The CLE Society of British Columbia, 2004.
Collaborative Law: A New Model for Dispute Resolution Sheila Gutterman, Bradford Publishing, 2004.
Preschool (4-6 year olds)
Mom’s House, Dad’s House for Kids: Feeling at Home in One Home or Two. Ricci, I. Fireside, NY, 2011.
Dinosaur’s Divorce: A Guide to Changing Families. Brown. L. & Brown, M. Little. Brown & Co New York 1986.
I Don’t Want To Talk About It. Ransom, J. F. Magination Press: Washington, 2000.
Charlie Anderson. Abercrombie, Barbara. Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, New York, 1995.
Taxi. Best, Carl. Little, Brown. 1994.
It’s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear Lansky, Vicki. Book Peddlers, 1998. (Available in English and Spanish).
Daddy’s Getting Married. Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer, Barron’s. New York, 2000.
Elementary School: (7-9 year olds)
Priscilla Twice. Caseley, Judith. Greenwillow Books, 1995.
The Top Secret Journal of Fiona Claire Jardin. Cruise, Robin. Harcourt Brace, San Diego, 1998.
The Invisible String Karst, Patrice. DeVorss & Company, Camarillo, Ca, 2000.
Through the Eyes of Children: Healing Stories for Children of Divorce. Johnston, J.F. Breuning, K., Garrity C. & Baris, M. The Free Press, 1997.
Megan’s Two Houses. Jong, Erica. Dove Kids, 1996.
(8-12 year olds)
The Hatchet. Paulsen, Gary. Noguer y Caralt Editores, S.A., 1996. (In Spanish: El Hacha.)
The Case of the Scary Divorce Pickhardt, C.E.
My Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore. Rubin, Judith Aron, Magination Press, Washington, D.C., 2002.
The Divorce Workbook for Children, Helping Kids to Overcome Difficult Family Changes and Grow up Happy Schab, Lisa, New Harbinger Publishing, Oakland, 2008.
Preteen and Teenage:
Help! A Girl’s Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies American Girl Library, Pleasant Company Publications, Wisconsin, 1999.
It’s Not the End of the World. Blume, Judy. Dell, New York, 1986.
The Divorce Express. Danzier, Paula. Paper Star, 1998.
Ages 12-15.
This is Me and My Two Families Evens, Maria D.. Magination Press, 2000. (An awareness scrapbook/journal for kids living in two separate families).
My Parents Are Divorced, Too. Ford, Melanie, Annie and Steven. Magination Press, 1997.
How to Get It Together When Your Parents Are Coming Apart. Richards, Arlene & Irene Willis. Willard Press, 1976.
The Divorce Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Move Beyond the Break Up. Schab LCSW, Lisa. New Harbinger Publishing, Oakland, 2008.
The Good Divorce: Keeping Your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart. Ahrons. C. Harper Collins, 1997.
Families Apart: Ten Keys To Successful Co-Parenting. Blau, M. G.P.Putnam’s Sons. 1993.
Parenting with Wit and Wisdom Through Times of Chaos and Loss. Coloroso, B. (1999).
The Parent’s Handbook: Systematic Training For Effective Parenting. Dinkmeyer, D., McKay, G., & Dinkmeyer, D. American Guidance Series, 1997.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk. Faber, A., & Mazlish, E. Avon Books, 1991.
Building Your Stepfamily: A Blueprint for Success. Gamache, S. B. C. Council For Families, 2002.
For Better or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered. Hethermgton, E. M; & Kelly, J. Norton, New York, 2002.
Mom’s House. Dad’s House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who Are Separated. Divorced. Or Remarried. Ricci. I. Fireside, 1997.
Parents Are Forever: A Step By Step Guide to Becoming Successful Co-parents After Divorce. Thomas, S. Springboard Publications, Colorado, 1997.
Difficult Questions Kids Ask (and are too afraid to ask) About Divorce. Schneider, Med, Zuckerberg, Joan, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.
Good Parenting Through Your Divorce. Hannibal, Mary Ellen. Marlowe & Company
The Whole-Brain Child, 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind. Siegel, Daniel, Bryson, Tina. Delacorte Press, New York, 2011. (This is a wonderfully practical parenting book that is based in neuroscience.)
Healing A Child’s Heart After Divorce, 100 Practical Ideas for Families Friends and Caregivers. Wolfelt, Alan, Maloney, Raelynn Companion, Fort Collins, 2011.
Defusing the High-Conflict Divorce: A Treatment Guide for Working with Angry Couples. Gaulier, B. & Margerum, J. Practical Therapist series; Impact Publishers, 2006.
The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have To Grow. Learn, and Flourish. Brazelton, T. & Greenspan, S. Perseus Publishing, 2000.
Child Custody: Building Parenting Agreements That Work. Lyster, M. Nolo: CA.,1999.
For Better or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered. Hetheringtoo, E. M. & Kelly, J. Norton, New York, 2002.

Knowledge Kit

Kelly, J. (2000). Children’s adjustment in conflicted marriage and divorce: A decade review of Research. Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 39(8) pp. 963 – 973.
Kelly, J. (2000). Using child development research to make appropriate custody and access decisions for young children. Family and Conciliation Courts Review. 38(3). pp 297-311.
Nurse. R. (1999). Family Assessment. Wiley; Toronto.
Pope, K. & Vasquez, M. (1998). Ethics in Psychotherapv and Counseling. Jossey-Bass; San Francisco.
Ricci, I. (2012). Divorce from the Kids’ Point of View: From Damage Control to Empowerment.
Boyan & Termini, (1999). Divorce Rules. Cooperative Parenting & Divorce
A Collaborative Law Success Story: Parts 1 – 4
A Collaborative Law Success Story is a four-part video series describing
a successful resolution of a divorce between John and Diane through the Collaborative Law process.
We encourage the use of these videos to promote and spread the word about Collaborative Law.

Mediation and Collaborative Divorce
Association for Conflict Resolution:
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts:
Arizona Association for Conflict Resolution:
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals:
Maricopa County Association of Family Mediators:
Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts:
Legal Resources
Arizona Supreme Court
- AZ Supreme Court
- Arizona Courts by County
- Public Access to Court Information
- Divorce & Parent Education Questions
- Parent Education Classes by County
- Arizona Child Support Calculator
- Model Parenting Time Plan
Maricopa County Superior Court